021 submitted a new resource:

[021] ChatGPT Reply Bot - Generates reply to post from ChatGPT and paste it into the editor.

This add-on uses ChatGPT to generate replies to posts automatically, providing instant and intelligent responses to keep the conversation flowing smoothly. With its advanced contextual analysis, this add-on ensures that the generated replies are relevant and appropriate to the topic being discussed.
To be more precise, the bot takes into account the forum title, the thread title, and all the posts that were before the post to which it generates a response.


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Are you taking suggestions for updates? If so, a minor one....

Can you add an option to quote the original message the same way as the normal 'Reply' button does? That way the original message is quoted and then the ChatGPT suggested content would be below the quote. :)
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I posted this on the main xf thread, but wanted to officially request here:

When creating a thread, it would be great if there was an option for: "Do you want our bot to try and automatically answer your question?". If "yes" is selected, then the bot will reply after their first post.

Thanks for being AWESOME and jumping on the ChatGPT excitement so quickly!!!
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Is there a way to have the AI always post as a certain user, rather than it always looking like you're replying to yourself?
Is there a way to have the AI always post as a certain user, rather than it always looking like you're replying to yourself?
Unfortunately, this add-on is not intended for responses on behalf of a bot. It is intended to make it easier to generate responses on your behalf. But you can use the [021] Post as user add-on to post as another user.
Hmm, just seems a bit odd to me when I ask a question as myself, and the answer looks to also be given by myself. And I kind of wanted users to know they were getting answers from an AI, since I'm not trying to fool anyone here. And I certainly don't want to have to always manually change the user name on posts. Oh well. Thanks for the reply, though.
Yeah, after looking at the two addons again, I realized I got the wrong one, ugh. Should have got the ChatGPT Quick Reply Bot. :(
021 updated [021] ChatGPT Reply Bot with a new update entry:


New option "Quote posts to which a response is being generated"
Values for "Temperature" option are limited to values from 0 to 1 with 0.1 step
The bot's context is limited to the last 10 posts before the post it is replying to. This is done to avoid the token limit in long threads.
Add-on renamed to [021] ChatGPT Reply Assistant

Read the rest of this update entry...
What we can do to get less empty responses (temperature increase close or on off quote) any token settings to allow use more tokens in replies? or is it only me getting every 10 requests 1-2 chatgpt replies? maybe prompt that make replies can be improved. i am still glad with current one it saves a lot time. (y)
Would be great if the bot would use the XF CODE markup, as at the moment it uses '''PHP instead of the [ CODE = PHP ]
What we can do to get less empty responses (temperature increase close or on off quote) any token settings to allow use more tokens in replies? or is it only me getting every 10 requests 1-2 chatgpt replies? maybe prompt that make replies can be improved. i am still glad with current one it saves a lot time. (y)
Unfortunately, sometimes ChatGPT can be overloaded and not generate a response because of it. Each case must be considered individually. When bot doesn't respond, it generates an error in the control panel. And the next time when you encounter this problem, you can send me the details of this error to find out why ChatGPT is not responding at this particular moment. Changing temperature values and turning off quotes can't affect this in any way.

Would be great if the bot would use the XF CODE markup, as at the moment it uses '''PHP instead of the [ CODE = PHP ]
I don't see a need or a problem in this, given that code generation happens on the ChatGPT side, and XenForo supports markdow perfectly.
Unfortunately, sometimes ChatGPT can be overloaded and not generate a response because of it.
I was wondering about this. I thought OpenAi didn't have the same "overloaded" problems with their paid services (either monthly accounts with ChatGPT, or their API) as they do with their free services... but maybe they still have these issues even when the service is paid?
Whats the difference between this and
Whats the difference between this and
chatgpt-reply-assistant: creates a draft that a real user can edit/submit in their user accounts.
ChatGPT Autoresponder: is a bot that responds to posts as it's own account.
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I don't see a need or a problem in this, given that code generation happens on the ChatGPT side, and XenForo supports markdow perfectly.
I'm not sure I know how to make use of this unfortunately? I don't get the bot generating code that makes use of the normal code tages, it uses three apostrophes for code start/end instead: '''

Is there a way to make XenForo recognise that?
I'm not sure I know how to make use of this unfortunately? I don't get the bot generating code that makes use of the normal code tages, it uses three apostrophes for code start/end instead: '''

Is there a way to make XenForo recognise that?
You need to enable this option in the control panel. Then XenForo will recognize Markdown.
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