Real Time Alerts ✅ Instant Notifications: Users receive immediate alerts about new messages, replies, or activities, keeping them actively involved in discussions. ✅ Customizable Notice Style: Tailor the appearance of notifications to align with your forum's...
Real Time Alerts 2.0.0
✅ Instant Notifications: Users receive immediate alerts about new messages, replies, or activities, keeping them actively involved in discussions. ✅ Customizable Notice Style: Tailor the appearance of notifications to align with your forum's...
Real Time Alerts 2.0.0
✅ Instant Notifications: Users receive immediate alerts about new messages, replies, or activities, keeping them actively involved in discussions. ✅ Customizable Notice Style: Tailor the appearance of notifications to align with your forum's...
Real Time Alerts 1.1.0
✅ Instant Notifications: Users receive immediate alerts about new messages, replies, or activities, keeping them actively involved in discussions. ✅ Customizable Notice Style: Tailor the appearance of notifications to align with your forum's...


✅ Instant Notifications: Users receive immediate alerts about new messages, replies, or activities, keeping them actively involved in discussions.
Customizable Notice Style: Tailor the appearance of notifications to align with your forum's design and branding.

Note: The main video also demonstrates the capabilities of Real Time Threads

Latest updates View all

  1. Updated Version 2.0.1
    - Feature: Compatibility with XenForo 2.3 - Change: The minimum PHP version required for the...
  2. Updated Version 2.0.0
    Compatible with XenForo WebSockets 2.0.0+
  3. Updated Version 1.1.0
    Features New style property: "Notice style" – allows you to change the style of notices.

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Nice resource
5.00 star(s)
This is an excellent product and easily worth a 5/5 star rating.
5.00 star(s)

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Provides processing of all actions in threads in real time.
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XenForo Messenger
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XenForo WebSockets
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PHP 7.4+
[021] XenForo WebSockets 1.0.0+
Compatible XF versions
  1. 2.2
  2. 2.3
