1. 021

    Chat message

    How are you?)
  2. 021

    Chat message

    Hey, @JayJayBang 🖐
  3. 021

    Chat message

    @CatGPT wassap
  4. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 1.1.3

    Updated config for supervisorctl in setup helper script to properly stop soketi server processes. For those who have already configured the soketi service on supervisorctl, it is recommended to do the following: Stop soketi service supervisorctl stop soketi.your_domain.com Kill all soketi...
  5. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated [021] XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 1.1.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. 021

    Real Time Threads

    Just updated https://devsell.io/resources/021-xenforo-websockets.36/update/136/
  7. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 1.1.2

    Now the user is not shown an error if the server side failed to contact the websocket server. An errors will still be written to the error log.
  8. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated [021] XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 1.1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. 021

    Real Time Threads

    Why? This error does not occur when you have a websocket server configured
  10. 021

    Real Time Threads

    Because you haven't set up a Websocket server.
  11. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

  12. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    You need to follow the instructions exactly.
  13. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    https://devsell.io/xenforo-websockets/getting-started/options.html#pusher-host https://devsell.io/xenforo-websockets/getting-started/web-socket-server.html#install-and-configure-soketi
  14. 021

    Hey, are u ok?

    Hey, are u ok?
  15. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    Yes, and in general the last four days already :D
  16. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    Yes, it's your choice)
  17. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 1.1.1

    Fixed issues with Pusher API
  18. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated [021] XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 1.1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 1.1.0

    Installation easing update Added a bash script for manipulating the websocket server: it will install Soketi and configure the daemon for you. Read more in the updated documentation. Fixed incorrect operation of the "Pusher host" option when using a separate server for run websocket server.
  20. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated [021] XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 1.1.0 Read the rest of this update entry...