Creating a ChatGPT quick reply bot for Xenforo involves the following steps:

1. Install the "Xenforo Chat" add-on from the Xenforo marketplace.
2. Sign up for the ChatGPT API service and get an API key.
3. Create a PHP file and include the ChatGPT API class in the file.
4. Define the API key using the ChatGPT API class.
5. Get the message from the Xenforo quick reply form and pass it to the ChatGPT API class for processing using the "get_response" method.
6. Display the response from the ChatGPT API in the Xenforo quick reply form.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a ChatGPT quick reply bot:


require_once 'path/to/ChatGPT/api.php';
$chatgpt = new ChatGPT_API('YOUR_API_KEY');

$text = $_POST['message'];

if (!empty($text)) {
    $response = $chatgpt->get_response($text);
    echo $response;


Note that this is just a very simple example of how to create a ChatGPT quick reply bot for Xenforo. Depending on your requirements, you may need to modify the code to accommodate different use cases.
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