Is there a way or a possible way to implement a way to summon the bot to an existing thread? For instance @Santiago or something
Unfortunately no. This add-on is designed for quick replies to new threads. The functionality that will allow you to mention bots will be added in my other add-on, which will be released a little later. Stay tuned for store updates :)
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It would be great if there was an additional field in the options page, so that we can add our own custom text to append to the question sent to OpenAI. For example, I could add "please make sure all answers relate to Subaru cars" or "please answer in poems" etc... This would give greater flexibility and I've appended the text I need in to the script for now.
Screenshot 2023-03-16 105233.webp

I don't understand why is it suddenly unresponsive today or is there any error reported?

Is there anyone else like me?
Got this error this morning too.
Please contact me in private messages and send an error from the control panel, which is added when this problem occurs.

View attachment 645

I don't understand why is it suddenly unresponsive today or is there any error reported?

Is there anyone else like me?
Please contact me in private messages and send an error from the control panel, which is added when this problem occurs.
just purchased this and it is not generating any reply. Ive applied my API key and created a designated section.
just purchased this and it is not generating any reply. Ive applied my API key and created a designated section.
It most likely looks like you haven't configured the permissions. Grant permissions to the required group here: ACP -> User groups -> Your group -> [021] Autoresponder –> Use autoresponder
It most likely looks like you haven't configured the permissions. Grant permissions to the required group here: ACP -> User groups -> Your group -> [021] Autoresponder –> Use autoresponder
that got a response, which was met with "Sorry I couldn't contact the ChatGPT think tank :("
one of my mods somehow generated this error, unsure what they did as I was away.

[*]LogicException: Job BS\ChatGPTQuickReplyBot:Answer: Cannot save with validation errors. Use validate() to ensure there are no errors. (First error: Please enter a message with no more than 10000 characters.)

[HEADING=2]Stack trace[/HEADING]
#0 src/addons/BS/ChatGPTQuickReplyBot/Service/QuickReply.php(55): XF\Service\Thread\Replier->save()
#1 src/addons/BS/ChatGPTQuickReplyBot/Service/QuickReply.php(45): BS\ChatGPTQuickReplyBot\Service\QuickReply->postReply('Sure, here's a ...')
#2 src/XF.php(625): BS\ChatGPTQuickReplyBot\Service\QuickReply->BS\ChatGPTQuickReplyBot\Service\{closure}()
#3 src/addons/BS/ChatGPTQuickReplyBot/Service/QuickReply.php(46): XF::asVisitor(Object(SV\ReportImprovements\XF\Entity\User), Object(Closure))
#4 src/addons/BS/ChatGPTQuickReplyBot/Job/Answer.php(22): BS\ChatGPTQuickReplyBot\Service\QuickReply->answer()
#5 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(260): BS\ChatGPTQuickReplyBot\Job\Answer->run(7.95615)
#6 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(202): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, 7.95615)
#7 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(86): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, 7.95615)
#8 job.php(43): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#9 {main}

rray(4) {
  ["url"] => string(8) "/job.php"
  ["referrer"] => string(71) "https://x/ai-test-forum.1052/post-thread"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

EDIT: they requested the following;

Write me a python script that posts a request to the following URL "https://XENURL/post-thread" with all required Xenforo parameters to successfully create a thread on Xenforo.
one of my mods somehow generated this error, unsure what they did as I was away.
It seems that the bot generated a message longer than 10,000 characters and XenForo did not allow him to post it due to restrictions.
Suggestion: per node temperature and the ability to tag the bot to participate in an active thread (if it has permission to do so).

Well worth the $19.
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