What's new?​

  • Fix: window.ws.event.on does not work correctly on XenForo 2.3
  • Fix: X-WebSockets-Page-Uid header not passed to AJAX requests on XenForo 2.3

What's new?​

  • Fix: Incorrect channel matching when there is a dot in the channel name (for example, Forum.{id} could match ForumTypers)
  • Fix: Issue with channel subscription when using Pusher.com
  • Fix: No icon in add-ons list
  • Feature: Ability to change the hashing method for guest IPs (Read More in the Documentation)

What's new?​

  • This update is supposed to fix an annoying bug that has existed since the add-on release: incorrect display of online users in add-ons such as Real-Time Chat and XenForo Messenger 🎉
  • Implemented an elegant solution for updating the csrf token and connecting to the websocket server when restoring a page from the back-forward cache: this should improve the connection when restoring a tab in a browser on mobile devices and help avoid the "Security error..." error.
  • XenForo 2.3 support
  • Name pattern feature for channels
  • XF.Echo and XF.EchoManager now are deprecated, use window.ws.echo and window.ws.manager instead
  • Updated soketi config parameters generation format to more user-friendly
  • Removed some permission checks in the broadcast controller to ensure websockets work correctly in different situations
  • Minimum PHP version now is 8.1
I also invite you to take a look at the updated version of the documentation, which turned out to be just amazing:
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Reactions: benFF
  • On forums with closed access for guests, certain scenarios required a websocket connection, but this did not occur due to viewing permissions check


  • The Pusher Host option was not passed to the frontend
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The getWebsocketsPromise method has been introduced, which allows you to execute code after the XF.Echo and XF.EchoManager objects are ready to work. This method should improve the stability of add-ons based on XenForo WebSockets.

Support for the Keep Alive XenForo system that updates the CSRF token when a tab is restored in browsers on mobile devices. This will get rid of such errors: Cookie Required To Use This Site, Security Error.
Note: After this update, you need to grant permission to use WebSockets to user groups who should have this permission.

Added permission to use WebSockets.
Prevented error output on the user side in case of problems with the websocket server
In some cases, the channel name could be parsed incorrectly.
Removed check for installed soketi on the server when installing daemons
Added /bin/bash prefix to avoid "Executable path is not absolute, ignoring" error
PHP 8.1+
Compatible XF versions
  1. 2.2
  2. 2.3
