1. 021

    AI Bots

    Sure! I announced it publicly: https://devsell.io/threads/goodbye-xenforo.360/ Those who want it, apply for paid development 🙂
  2. 021

    Chat message

    live Forum Statistics is not compatible with 2.3 please
  3. 021

    Chat message

    I want to hire a socket setup service
    Hello! I need some time to process your request. Thank you for waiting.
  4. 021

    From War to Hope: Help Us Rebuild Our Lives

    With pleasure! Sublimates, bars, nuts, dates. We drank water from different sources: puddles, streams, rivers
  5. 021

    Chat message

  6. 021

    XenForo 2.3 Compatibility Updates

    Hello! I hasten to inform my donators that I managed to leave Ukraine and will soon return to supporting my products, namely, updating compatibility with the new version of XenForo 2.3. Updates will start coming out around October. Thank you for your attention and have a good mood 🤙
  7. 021

    From War to Hope: Help Us Rebuild Our Lives

    After 11 days of terrible conditions in the forest I left Ukraine! 🥳
  8. 021

    Chat message

    Hey, @emon! How can I help you?
  9. 021

    Chat message

    what is this?
  10. 021

    From War to Hope: Help Us Rebuild Our Lives

    Hello everyone! As many of you know, since 2022, Ukraine has been enduring the most devastating and large-scale war in Europe since World War II. In the initial surge of patriotism, many volunteered to defend their homeland but were told there were enough soldiers. Now, two years later, Ukraine...
  11. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 2.0.2

    Fixed On forums with closed access for guests, certain scenarios required a websocket connection, but this did not occur due to viewing permissions check
  12. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 2.0.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. 021

    Chat message

    Dudes, there is a war in my country, mens are mercilessly hunted and kidnapped. They then return home in coffins. Until I get out of here, no updates are expected. We have slightly different worlds at the moment: for some, the most important news is XenForo 2.3, for me, only information about how to survive is important. Peace for everyone ✌️
  14. 021

    Chat message

    I received the warning as attached. Wonder if it has anything to do with your add-ons?
    Only the second and it is absolutely not critical 🙂
  15. 021

    Chat message

    Hi, does ChatGPT Title Corrector supports Turkish?
    Hey! Yes
  16. 021

    ChatGPT Title Corrector

    Hello! Yes, the add-on supports the languages that ChatGPT works with. I have no plans for XenForo 2.3
  17. 021

    Chat message

    @021 Do your add-ons work on X 2.3?
  18. 021

    Chat message

    Hello, @Dimoks! Check this link:
  19. 021

    Chat message

    Hihi hi