1. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 2.0.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. 021

    Real-Time Chat - 3.1.2

    What's new? Fix: Compact mode in widget did not work correctly Fix: Now the to parameter in the popup open button replaces the value if the chat popup was already open Feature: Now, if there is a text selection in a message, the "Copy" button copies only the selected content Style: Now...
  3. 021

    Chat message

    Hello, I want to buy an addon https://devsell.io/products/live-forum-statistics.2/ , is it planned to update it to xenforo 2.3?
    Hello! Yes, it is planned, but at the moment there is no specific date for the update
  4. 021

    Chat message

    If i am using xenforo version 2.2.17, can i use the latest version of the WebSockets addon?
  5. 021

    Understanding the 'Sorry I couldn't contact the ChatGPT think tank' Error

    Hello! Check if there are any credits on your OpenAI account, if the card is linked and if there are any errors in the log
  6. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 2.1.2

    What's new? Fix: window.ws.event.on does not work correctly on XenForo 2.3 Fix: X-WebSockets-Page-Uid header not passed to AJAX requests on XenForo 2.3
  7. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 2.1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. 021

    Real Time Threads

    Yes, unfortunately, at the moment this add-on is not compatible with XenForo 2.3
  9. 021

    AI Bots

    Yes: https://devsell.io/products/real-time-threads.38/
  10. 021

    AI Bots

  11. 021

    AI Bots

    Hello! No, unfortunately ChatGPT does not allow you to upload Excel files for processing via the API used in this add-on
  12. 021

    Chat message

    It is possible that some add-on on the forum is creating a conflict: I just re-tested the functionality on the local forum and it's working as supposed to; it also works well for a my customer with whom I work closely. I recommend running a copy of your forum for testing and disabling add-ons one by one to find a conflicted add-on
  13. 021

    Chat message

    The AI bot even sends messages on threads that have already been replied to by other members.
    Could you send me a link to such an reply, please?
  14. 021

    Chat message

    Are you experiencing any issues? Incorrect behavior or the feature not working at all?
  15. 021

    Chat message

    You made me realise that it wasn't actually working the way it was supposed to. Maybe you can check it for us, would you?
    Why do you think the feature doesn't work as supposed to?
  16. 021

    Chat message

    A member opens a thread and some members reply to this thread. After the time specified in the AI bot's timed reply feature, the AI bot also replies. I only want to use the AI bot on threads that have not received any replies.
    But this contradicts each other. You say that members reply to a thread, then a bot replies based on time, and at the same time you say that you want to use this feature only in threads without replies - the way the Timed Reply feature works now. I don't get it. Do you want a delayed reply feature that doesn't depend on whether a thread has replies?
  17. 021

    Chat message

    @021 If I need to elaborate on my suggestion number 2, the AI bot responds not if no messages have arrived but if no messages have arrived within the set amount. I want the AI bot to respond if no messages have arrived in the thread.
    Unfortunately, I still can't understand what you mean. Could you give me an example, please?
  18. 021

    Chat message

    @Enes, Hello! The platform has a special node for suggestions: https://devsell.io/forums/add-ons-suggestions/. It is always better to publish your suggestions there so that they are definitely considered.

    Some comments
    2) I don't quite understand what the difference is between the current functionality and what you are offering?
    3) I have an integration with OpenRouter.ai that gives access to this model, but I plan to make some changes to devsell before publishing it, so stay tuned :)
  19. 021

    Infinite Scroll Issue with Profile Posts Widget

    Hello! Thanks for your report! Will be fixed in future updates
  20. 021

    AI Bots - 3.1.1

    Changes Fix: Preventing a reply to a record that has no author (e.g. user was deleted, anonymous post, or RSS feed repost)