1. 021

    Chat message

    Amazing staff
  2. 021

    Chat message

    Guys, just test new xenforo messenger here: https://devsell.io/conversations/
  3. 021

    Chat message

    Write /help in the chat
  4. 021

    Chat message

    No, guys. Stop asking this question, please
  5. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 1.2.1

    Removed check for installed soketi on the server when installing daemons Added /bin/bash prefix to avoid "Executable path is not absolute, ignoring" error
  6. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated [021] XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 1.2.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 1.2.0

    Built-in Docker support: now the websocket server can be run even on non-soketi compatible OS (such as CentOS 7). Updated documentation.
  8. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated [021] XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 1.2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. 021

    Chat message

    Testing attachments
  10. 021

    Chat message

    @CatGPT can you help with it?
  11. 021

    Chat message

    You can't edit public rooms
  12. 021

    Chat message

    hello2029, This can be done with the /edit command
  13. 021

    AI Bots

  14. 021

    AI Bots

    I will be able to answer your question when it become available to everyone. A bot is taught the necessary information in the prompt. The add-on allows you to customize the prompt for different contexts.
  15. 021

    Chat message

    lazaroagomez, Private messages have long existed in this chat - just tap on the message
  16. 021

    Chat message

    lazaroagomez, This is an update for Real time chat :)
  17. 021

    Chat message

    Have you set permissions?
  18. 021

    Chat message

    How to configure permissions?
  19. 021

    Chat message

    @mobilewo, Did you configure permissions?
  20. 021

    Chat message
