Now when permissions associated with reply limits are set to 0 (default value), they are not ignored.
Fixed a error that occurred when triggering a GPT Dall-E based bot in private messages
Key Features:
Vision Capabilities: Empower your community with bots that can view images, provide descriptions, generate narratives, and identify issues, fostering a more dynamic and inclusive environment.
Image Generation: Users can request custom images – simply ask for a picture of a cat...
This is [021] Real time chat integration with my new addon [021] AI Bots. You can read about it here, it has a lot of features:
Such a suggestion already exists. You can vote for it here:
Feedback collection begins 💬
Clients who have received test access, you can start writing reviews in a special thread, a link to which is in the description of [021] AI Bots.
Huge Buff Released 🆕
New update for beta testers. Lots of tasty features 😋
ChatGPT node prompts 🆕
Added the ability to...
Yes, it is technically possible, but such features will not be added to this add-on, since it was originally conceived as an assistant that helps answer questions in the specific sections - it will develop exclusively in this direction. For functional bots that are created, including for...
The group of settings has been renamed in accordance with the name of the add-on
New method removeMessageDuplicates in message repo
New method fetchMessagesFromConversation in message repo
Now \BS\ChatGPTBots\Response::getReplyWithLogErrors accept $throwExceptions argument to throw exceptions on...
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