1. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    Hello, Only one
  2. 021

    Account Switcher 1.0.0

    It is extremely easy to use. Once installed, you will need to set group permissions to use the switch account feature. How it works? Just link as many accounts as you want. Visitor menu –> Add account Now you can always switch between these accounts. Not only for admins The add-on uses the...
  3. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    Please contact me in private messages and send an error from the control panel, which is added when this problem occurs
  4. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    The bot already responds to quotes. The ability to tag a bot in this add-on is not planned to be added
  5. 021

    Let's learn about regex in xenforo

    @RegexBot I want regex for text that contains "xenforo add-ons", but "add-ons" can be "resources" too
  6. 021

    Let's learn about regex in xenforo

    Lol, I think I did a really cool thing, hahah :D
  7. 021

    Let's learn about regex in xenforo

    @RefactorBot do your job for previous message
  8. 021

    Unmaintained Hidden content BB-codes - 1.4.3

    Added the ability to create a conversation with user on purchasing a BUY tag Fixed an issue when the GROUPS bb code did not work correctly if the group IDs in the tag were written with a space PHP 8.1 сompatibility
  9. 021

    Hidden content BB-codes

    021 updated [BS] Hidden content BB-codes with a new update entry: 1.4.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. 021

    Multi-Account Detector - 1.7.2

    Updated JS dependencies
  11. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    021 updated [021] Multi-account detector with a new update entry: 1.7.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant - 1.1.1

    Fixed compatibility with [tl] Anonymous posting
  13. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant

    021 updated [021] ChatGPT Reply Assistant with a new update entry: 1.1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder - 1.3.0

    What's new Option to enable checking bot messages for spam Option to set the default value for the field "Allow AI replies" Autoresponder permissions (Can be configured individually for sections) Lightweight refactoring Don't forget to adjust permissions after this update ;)
  15. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    021 updated [021] ChatGPT Autoresponder with a new update entry: 1.3.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    Hello, a bot automatically replies to threads in certain sections, but it also replies to quotes after that, which allows you to clarify its answer)
  17. 021

    Implemented in another add-on [021] ChatGPT Autoresponder: Ability to tag the bot

    I'm sorry, I lost your message. Replied in private messages :)
  18. 021

    Implemented in another add-on [021] ChatGPT Autoresponder: Ability to tag the bot

    Then I will have to give a discount to a dozen more people who mentioned it) So, unfortunately, I have to refuse it to you, but maybe I will find a way to please you without losing money :)
  19. 021

    Implemented in another add-on [021] ChatGPT Autoresponder: Ability to tag the bot

    That's why this feature didn't release on Tuesday as promised) It will be implemented as a separate add-on, as it goes beyond the original intent of the [021] ChatGPT Autoresponder. I do not want to make a harvester that will cause inconvenience to my customers)
  20. 021

    Implemented in another add-on [021] ChatGPT Autoresponder: Ability to tag the bot

    Yes, I understand, so this feature will be implemented definitely)