1. 021

    [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io [Deleted]

    Hello, @radumchristian Not yet You do not need to worry about it, the keys will be given to you when installing the add-on and you can update them at any time from ACP The minimum PHP version for the add-on to work is 7.4. Your forum is running on PHP version below
  2. 021

    Multi-Account Detector - 1.5.4

    Fixed https://xenforo.com/community/threads/bs-multi-account-detector-paid.177445/post-1591797
  3. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    021 updated [BS] Multi-account detector with a new update entry: 1.5.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. 021

    Multi-Account Detector - 1.5.3

    Changes New option "Thread report duplicate creator". If you had problems with creating reports in a forum - fill in this option. Now problems with creating a report in a forum will not affect the creation of regular reports This update will create all reports that were not created due to an...
  5. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    021 updated [BS] Multi-account detector with a new update entry: 1.5.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. 021

    [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io [Deleted]

    021 updated [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io with a new update entry: 1.0.0 beta 2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    This is normal, this is how it should work. The check is called once every 10 minutes per user when they visit the page. That is, one user per day can generate a maximum of 144 requests
  8. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Hello, @santa_claus I'm currently working on a solution for this problem, the update will be released as soon as possible. Workaround: Disable thread report duplicate. Announcement for anyone experiencing a similar issue: don't worry, all multi-accounts are still being tracked and will be...
  9. 021

    Paid Content - 1.3.1

    Fixed "Allowed payment profiles" option did not work correctly
  10. 021

    Paid Content

    021 updated [021] Paid content with a new update entry: 1.3.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Unfortunately yes. At the moment I don't have that option
  12. 021

    Multi-Account Detector - 1.5.2

    Updated Fingerprintjs and other dependencies
  13. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    021 updated [BS] Multi-account detector with a new update entry: 1.5.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. 021

    [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io [Deleted]

    What version of XenForo do you have installed?
  15. 021

    Paid Content - 1.3.0

    You can now set up the creation of a conversation when purchasing paid content! Fixed (src/addons/BS/PaidContent/XF/Attachment/Post.php:39) Converting a value of hidden attachments to an array
  16. 021

    Paid Content

    021 updated [021] Paid content with a new update entry: 1.3.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. 021

    Paid Content - 1.2.1

    Fixed Missing can_open_for_free field in xf_bspc_paid_content table after clean install Null pointer exception on calling Forum prop in PaidContent entity
  18. 021

    Paid Content

    021 updated [021] Paid content with a new update entry: 1.2.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Glad to help you :)
  20. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Hello. Please check the work on the updated version.