1. 021

    Paid Content

    021 updated [021] Paid content with a new update entry: 1.0.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. 021

    Paid Content - 1.0.1

    Fixed: Incorrect behavior related to permission to view paid content
  3. 021

    Paid Content 1.3.1

    With this add-on, you will be able to monetize your forum which has unique content. It works very simply: you need to put the content that you want to hide (download link, important information, match prediction, etc.) under the HIDDEN tag, set the price and get paid for every view of your...
  4. 021

    Paid Content

    021 submitted a new resource: [021] Paid content - Allows you to create threads with paid content Read more about this resource...
  5. 021

    Multi-Account Detector - 1.5.0

    New features – New option: Display link to reports regardless of the open reports presence – New option: Create a separate report if a new multi-account is detected – Creating a duplicate report in the specified forum Fixes – Problem with compatibility of XF scripts in some places...
  6. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    021 updated [BS] Multi-account detector with a new update entry: 1.5.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    I'm working on fixing this issue
  8. 021

    Multi-Account Detector - 1.4.2

    Fixed Incorrect behavior of the script, due to which the detection of multi-accounts stopped working
  9. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    021 updated [BS] Multi-account detector with a new update entry: 1.4.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. 021

    Multi-Account Detector - 1.4.1

    Changes Updated dependencies Now only one request is executed when checking instead of two or more Fixed a bug due to which a duplicate report could be created
  11. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    021 updated [BS] Multi-account detector with a new update entry: 1.4.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. 021

    Jabber Notifications - 1.0.1

    Fixed: https://devsell.io/threads/bs-jabber-notifications.9/post-583
  13. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Hello. Unfortunately, no. But you can quickly close all reports on the page with this code: $('*[type="radio"][data-xf-click="approval-control"][value="delete"]').attr('checked', true) Go to the reports page, open the console with F12, paste the code there and run it. Then save the page
  14. 021

    [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io [Deleted]

    Well, no problem, you can pay for the time that you used the add-on, thereby correcting your mistakes and then I can help you with the problem ;)
  15. 021

    [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io [Deleted]

    And what's that?)
  16. 021

    [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io [Deleted]

    Sorry, but now you have to deal with this problem yourself, because you are using a pirated copy of my add-on. Don't expect help from the person you are robbing.
  17. 021

    [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io [Deleted]

    To begin with, it was your actions that led to what happened. 1. You have deleted tables that are not related to this add-on. Because this add-on creates no tables at all. 2. You renamed folders with files, not only this add-ons, which could affect other add-ons. 3. There was no reason for such...
  18. 021

    [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io [Deleted]

    Hello. The first bug was fixed in beta 1. And the rest are consequences of the first bug. What files did you delete? Specify the path from the root of the forum. This is not surprising if you partially installed the add-on, you need to return everything to its place and update the add-on to...
  19. 021

    [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io [Deleted]

    021 updated [BS] Crypto payment powered by devsell.io with a new update entry: 1.0.0 beta 1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. 021

    Unable to "top up"

    Fixed. My apologies