1. 021

    Unmaintained Hidden content BB-codes - 1.3.0

    Features: Setting up allowed payment profiles
  2. 021

    Hidden content BB-codes

    021 updated [BS] Hidden content BB-codes with a new update entry: 1.3.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. 021

    Bitcoin Payment - 1.4.1

    Fixed: Refactor code which give error on PHP 8+ Possible error if the amount in bitcoins exceeds 1000
  4. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Hello. IP in our time is too frivolous a thing to consider it a basis for suspicion of multiaccount. If I add a method like this, you have dozens of useless complaints that don't reflect the real state of affairs. Rather, the IP can be used to confirm complaints about fingerprint matches.
  5. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Hello. Just delete them, this happens during installation or update due to the peculiarities of importing / rebuilding add-on data into a forum
  6. 021

    Thread Up (Bump) - 1.0.4

    Fix: After hard deleting a thread, the auto-up entry was not deleted and generate an error
  7. 021

    Thread Up (Bump)

    021 updated [BS] Thread up with a new update entry: 1.0.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. 021

    Bitcoin Payment - 1.4.0

    Changes: (Options) Limit of payment requests per day Now the payment can be paid in several transactions Now if the transaction amount is higher than the payment amount, the payment will be credited
  9. 021

    Thread Up (Bump)

    Добрый день. Да
  10. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Unfortunately, such option is not planned.
  11. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    No, all attempts to create a multi-account must be counted.
  12. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    I did not understand your question. If you mean if there is automatic blocking of multi-accounts, then the answer is no. And it is not planned.
  13. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Hello. If you got errors during installation, that's okay. It's just that XF loads template modifications before class extensions. And about the permission: open the section "General moderator permissions". P.S. It doesn't matter how much you paid. If you purchased a license - you will be...
  14. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Unfortunately, no, XenForo does not support downgrade. Yes, I'm sorry. I thought this requirement was already specified for this add-on.
  15. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Minimum PHP version for the last update - 7.4
  16. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    What is your PHP version?
  17. 021

    Multi-Account Detector - 1.4.0

    Minimum PHP version for this update is 7.4 Changes: Added FingerprintJS Pro support FingerprintJS updated to 3.2.0 Reports page was reworked Added pagination Added fast inline moderation Added reason for closure Note: Before this update, it is advisable to remove these directories...
  18. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    021 updated [BS] Multi-account detector with a new update entry: 1.4.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. 021

    Matchmaking - 1.0.2

    Fixed: https://devsell.io/threads/bs-matchmaking.8/post-380
  20. 021


    021 updated [BS] Matchmaking with a new update entry: 1.0.2 Read the rest of this update entry...