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I have a small suggestion.

If possible, let's combine multiple ChatGPT accounts at the same time.

That is, it will be possible to import multiple APIs for multiple accounts.

And I have another suggestion.

Only @ChatGPT (Bot Account) should be able to reply. No need to quote.
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Do you want to have multiple forum bots? What does "import multiple APIs for multiple accounts"? Can you give a practical example please?
Do you want to have multiple forum bots? What does "import multiple APIs for multiple accounts"? Can you give a practical example please?

Dear @021

I think OpenAI has a limit of how many transactions each account can serve in a certain period of time.

So I think with forums that have a lot of dealings with ChatGPT.

I think need to support multiple accounts at the same time.

And each account will serve each specific sub-forum separately.
Dear @021

I think OpenAI has a limit of how many transactions each account can serve in a certain period of time.

So I think with forums that have a lot of dealings with ChatGPT.

I think need to support multiple accounts at the same time.

And each account will serve each specific sub-forum separately.
At the moment, no such limitation is documented, so there is no point in worrying about it :)
After installation and test run. Although often encountering the error of not being able to connect to the think tank.

However, everyone found it very interesting. And do you have a suggestion that you can chat privately with the ChatGPT bot account in the Conversations section?

I think this is a good idea.
After installation and test run. Although often encountering the error of not being able to connect to the think tank.
As I mentioned in messages to other users, ChatGPT can sometimes be overloaded. When the bot doesn't respond, it generates an error, and in order to find out why it is not responding at a particular moment, send me the details of the generated error.

However, everyone found it very interesting. And do you have a suggestion that you can chat privately with the ChatGPT bot account in the Conversations section?
Currently, there is no such suggestion. You can create it yourself, and if the suggestion is popular among users, this add-on will be implemented.
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