Hi, this plugin is not checking if two users have the same IP. I just tried using different browser to login and it doesn't detect nothing. Is it possible to implement this check in a future version?
Hi, this plugin is not checking if two users have the same IP. I just tried using different browser to login and it doesn't detect nothing. Is it possible to implement this check in a future version?
Hello. IP in our time is too frivolous a thing to consider it a basis for suspicion of multiaccount. If I add a method like this, you have dozens of useless complaints that don't reflect the real state of affairs. Rather, the IP can be used to confirm complaints about fingerprint matches.
I have installed the Plugin and it does not even detect me, when I log in with two different accounts. I also do not see the Multi Account information in the Navbar.

Please advise
I have installed the Plugin and it does not even detect me, when I log in with two different accounts. I also do not see the Multi Account information in the Navbar.

Please advise
Hello. Make sure you have permission to manage multi-accounts)
I am in the Admin Group and gave myself permission



Anything else anywhere?
Anything else anywhere?
No, then everything should be fine. The multi-account button appears when there is at least one active multi-account report.

and it does not even detect me, when I log in with two different accounts
Please, can you describe in detail how you logged in from different accounts (whether you changed your browser, went into incognito mode, etc.). Also make sure none of the accounts you're logged into have "Bypass multi-account detection" permission.
I have two Users. One Admin and one a regular User.
All Usergroups are set to no for "Bypass multi-account detection"
I logged on from Chrome with the Admin and via Edge for the regular User and no detection.
So if a User wants to, he can create multiple accounts depending on the amount of browsers, correct?
With the knowledge necessary to bypass these tracking methods, a user can create an unlimited number of accounts and go unnoticed
There is no unlimited number of browsers. So if we assume we use Edge, FF and Chrome, the User can create three accounts and runs out of broswers :-)
There is no unlimited number of browsers. So if we assume we use Edge, FF and Chrome, the User can create three accounts and runs out of broswers :)
The creation of multi-accounts is not limited to the number of available browsers. If you know that you are being tracked and with what technologies, you can bypass surveillance in one browser. In addition, modern browsers have learned to delete evercookies
Is there any way to reset all reports ?
Hello. Unfortunately, no. But you can quickly close all reports on the page with this code:
$('*[type="radio"][data-xf-click="approval-control"][value="delete"]').attr('checked', true)
Go to the reports page, open the console with F12, paste the code there and run it. Then save the page
Is it OK to update the fingerprintjs script, or do you have to update the addon at the same time?

Screenshot from my fingerprintjs account:

1.4.2 with the latest XenForo breaks two things:

  • you can't now add new participants to the conversation
  • banning doesn't work

In both cases there is a JS error (see attachment)
  • xen_error.webp
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