021 submitted a new resource:

[021] Post as user - Allows you to post answers on behalf of other users.

This add-on enables users to post messages in threads using another user's account. This can be useful for managing multiple accounts or assisting users who may have difficulty posting on their own.

Can be used in conjunction with add-ons such as [BS] Scheduled posting. Pairs well with [021] ChatGPT Reply Bot.

The permission...

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Greetings :)

Looks like you may have missed updating the add-on's build.json file to include the JS files since they aren't in the download file.

Based on what I'm seeing, you'll want something like this in your build.json file....

    "additional_files": [
    "minify": [

That will include all of the JS files in your js/bs/pas folder and it will minify the posting.js file in the zip file when the add-on build is done.
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It appears that the Xenforo 2.3 update isn't compatible due to template changes. So, when I try to click on the Post as user option on a post, nothing happens (no dropdown to select the user appears).
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