Hi @021

Any chance that the search results can be displayed below the Quick Thread box instead of below the stickies? Sometimes I have up to 13 or 14 stickies in forums and the search results can be missed if they are so far down the page.

Screenshot 2023-03-15 213735.webp
021 updated [021] Quick search with a new update entry:


Features 🆕​

A separate title for the tooltip in search mode.
Setting up forums where quick search will be active.
New icon.

Update actions ♻️​

After this update, you will need to specify the forums in which Quick search will be active.
It can be done here: ACP –> Options –> Search options –> Quick search forums.

Fixes ✅​

Non-English characters could be ignored when searching.
Incorrect behavior when the mode switch button is...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi there. Is its possible to add option to allow using keywords to search? Currently if a thread title has "flowers" in it, you must type "flowers", but if typing "flow" or "flowe" or "flo" it will not appear.

Either can add a sensitivity function, or allow for searching with keywords using minimum characters (for example minimum 3 characters is input, so if I search "fl" nothing will appear and if I search "flo" then results will appear, like those with "flowers" in title)

Can it be possible?

Thanks :) @021
Hi there. Is its possible to add option to allow using keywords to search? Currently if a thread title has "flowers" in it, you must type "flowers", but if typing "flow" or "flowe" or "flo" it will not appear.

Either can add a sensitivity function, or allow for searching with keywords using minimum characters (for example minimum 3 characters is input, so if I search "fl" nothing will appear and if I search "flo" then results will appear, like those with "flowers" in title)

Can it be possible?

Thanks :) @021

Unfortunately, there is no such option in the add-on. But you can create an offer in a special section:

Not the end of the world, but this addon conflicts with the Xenforo Enhanced Search 'Search for similar threads when users are creating new threads' option.

When Quick Search is enabled, as you're entering the search terms the xfes "Is this already being discussed?" similar thread widget appears, which doesn't really make any sense when you're actually searching for something.

The only solution appears to be to disable that xfes feature entirely for any sub form this addon is enabled in, which isn't ideal since it's actually a pretty useful feature.
How are the results sorted by default?

Can they be sorted by most recent last post date? Or by most recently created threads?
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