- OP
Welcome to our forum! We appreciate your interest in our add-ons and we hope you find this community helpful. In order to ensure that our forum is organized and user-friendly, we have established a few guidelines that we ask all members to follow.
- No Duplicates: Before creating a new post, please take a moment to search the forum and make sure that your question or suggestion has not already been addressed. Duplicate posts will be deleted in order to avoid confusion and clutter.
- Title Format: When creating a new post, please format the title in the following way: "Addon Name: Feature Description". This will make it easier for other users to find and identify relevant posts.
- New Add-ons: If your feature suggestion does not belong to any of the existing add-ons, please begin the title with "New Add-on" and include a brief description of the proposed add-on in the title.
- Be Specific: Please provide as much detail as possible when describing your feature suggestion. This will help us to better understand your needs and prioritize our development efforts accordingly.
- Stay on Topic: Please keep your posts focused on the topic at hand. If you have a different question or suggestion, please create a new post.
- Respectful Communication: We encourage open and respectful communication within the forum. Please refrain from personal attacks, trolling, or any other behavior that is disruptive or disrespectful.