- OP
Run command
Thread up now doesn't affect last post time.
New features:
View attachment 483
- Permission to schedule ups for own thread
- List of scheduled thread ups for a user
- Units work more human-friendly
- Improved translation
- Changed icon
- With a clean install, the field for raising the thread was not added
- Raising field was missing an index to speed up sorting
- Threads raised were above all other threads regardless of last reply date
- Threads raised were above all other threads regardless of creation date
Hello. As stated in the description: thread up does not affect anything other than the position of the thread in lists sorted by last post date, therefore you have nothing to worry about :)Hey there,
I have a question about your add-on.
I used similar, but what I used a few years ago broke threads on my forum.
This happened when an existing topic without messages received a new message that fell under moderation. When the author of the topic bumped it, the first message of the topic turned out to be the last, and that message on moderation became the first. The author of the message on moderation became a topic starter and if his message was deleted, the whole topic was deleted. It took me a very long time to correct the consequences, intervening in the database and fixing everything manually.
* Newbies are not allowed to post on my forum, so posts in moderation are not uncommon. At one point, I couldn't follow the forum, and messages began to break en masse.
I want to know how this plugin works, and whether there will be such an effect with it.
// Слава Україні <3
Тип:Простая замена
Найти:<xf:if is="$canInlineMod">
Code:<xf:if is="$thread.canThreadUpIgnoreTimeout()"> <xf:button href="{{ link('threads/up', $thread) }}" class="button--link" data-xf-click="switch"> {{ phrase('bstu_thread_up') }} </xf:button> </xf:if> $0
К сожалению, нет
Now you can display thread up button in quick reply form
View attachment 517
Hello. Just update the add-on to the latest version :)Hello,
Could you tell me what about template "quick_reply_macros"? What should I specify as a condition for the correct display of the button in this template?
var $thread not allowed in quick_reply.