1. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

  2. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    Make sure you have followed all the steps in this guide: https://devsell.io/xenforo-websockets/getting-started/web-socket-server.html#install-soketi-on-a-same-server
  3. 021

    Real Time Threads

    Real Time Chat does not work on the XenForo WebSockets add-on. Your configuration for XenForo WebSockets is still incorrect
  4. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    Hello. Have you set permission to use websockets?
  5. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 1.3.0

    Note: After this update, you need to grant permission to use WebSockets to user groups who should have this permission. Added permission to use WebSockets.
  6. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated [021] XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 1.3.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. 021

    Chat message

  8. 021

    Chat message

    What would it mean? 🤔
  9. 021

    Chat message

    Congratulations to everyone on opening access to GPT-4! 🥳
  10. 021

    XenForo Messenger 2.0.3

    You can fully overview the add-on at this link. (!) The cost does not include the cost of Real-Time Chat, without which the add-on work is impossible. Submit issue, Post Question or Request Feature on Github: https://github.com/021-projects/xenforo-messenger/issues
  11. 021

    Quill Editor 1.0.1

    Provides an editor module based on Quill JS. The editor can be used by developers in their add-ons. Submit issue, Post Question or Request Feature on Github: https://github.com/021-projects/quill-editor/issues
  12. 021

    Real-Time Chat 3.1.2

    You can fully overview the add-on at this link. Submit issue, Post Question or Request Feature on Github: https://github.com/021-projects/real-time-chat/issues
  13. 021

    Chat message

  14. 021

    Chat message

    I think single and double check marks like telegram is the best option.
    Double checkmark in Font-Awesome looks bad
  15. 021

    Chat message

    Is the real-time chat supports seen chats? Like Telegram does? single and double check marks.
  16. 021

    Chat message

  17. 021

    Chat message

  18. 021

    Chat message

  19. 021

    Chat message

    It's closer than ever)
  20. 021

    Chat message

    Any plans on adding a sound alert for this chat? :)