1. 021

    Chat message

    I'm here)
  2. 021

    XenForo Messenger - 1.0.1

    Fixed Errors when ChatGPT Framework is not installed In the absence of a filled Home page URL option, the Home button did not have a link
  3. 021

    Real-Time Chat - 2.0.2

    Fixed Regular unicode emoji were not inserted Errors when ChatGPT Framework is not installed In the absence of a filled Home page URL option, the Home button did not have a link
  4. 021

    Real-Time Chat - 2.0.1

    Fixed - Inability to save options in the control panel in the absence of ChatGPT Framework.
  5. 021

    Chat message

    Even translate)
  6. 021

    XenForo WebSockets - 2.0.0

    The getWebsocketsPromise method has been introduced, which allows you to execute code after the XF.Echo and XF.EchoManager objects are ready to work. This method should improve the stability of add-ons based on XenForo WebSockets. Support for the Keep Alive XenForo system that updates the CSRF...
  7. 021

    XenForo WebSockets

    021 updated [021] XenForo WebSockets with a new update entry: 2.0.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. 021

    Real Time Threads - 2.0.0

    Compatible with XenForo WebSockets 2.0.0+ Fixing an issue where some dates were not displaying correctly
  9. 021

    Real Time Threads

    021 updated [021] Real time threads with a new update entry: 2.0.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. 021

    Real Time Alerts - 2.0.0

    Compatible with XenForo WebSockets 2.0.0+
  11. 021

    Real Time Alerts

    021 updated [021] Real time alerts with a new update entry: 2.0.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. 021

    Live Forum Statistics - 1.3.0

    Removed the "Fetch content after page load" option – this is now the default behavior. Support for the Keep Alive XenForo system that updates the CSRF token when a tab is restored in browsers on mobile devices. This will get rid of such errors: Cookie Required To Use This Site, Security Error.
  13. 021

    Memoji 1.0.0

    You can fully overview pack contents at this link.
  14. 021

    Chat UI Kit 1.0.0

    This kit gives you access to the following resources at a discounted price: Real-Time Chat – $219.99 ($249.99) XenForo Messenger – $129.99 ($149.99) Memoji – $19.99 ($39.99) You can fully explore the contents of this kit at this link.
  15. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

  16. 021

    Chat message

    Do you have errors in the browser console?
  17. 021

    Chat message

    Try CTRL + Shift + R
  18. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    Hello, In this add-on – no. Regards, 021
  19. 021

    Chat message

    bro what name addons for this chat?
    Hello. Real-Time Chat. Not released yet, but you can read about it here: https://devsell.io/chat-ui-kit/