1. 021

    XenForo Messenger - 1.0.9

    Fixed: When clicking on the user mention button, 'undefined' was inserted instead of the user's nickname
  2. 021

    Goodbye, XenForo!

    If you mean feature updates, then I wrote about this in the first post: But I still plan to keep my add-ons working as long as there are customers with active licenses for them. That is, bug fixes will definitely be released. It’s too early to talk about support for XF 2.3, this version...
  3. 021

    Chat message

    Perhaps the XenForo developers will implement something similar in 20 years 😆
  4. 021

    Chat message

    Something like that)
  5. 021

    Chat message

    Is this a new and upcoming addon? :)
    No :)
  6. 021

    AI Bots

    This is probably a problem with the certificate on the server. Try to run: yum update ca-certificates
  7. 021

    Chat message

    Reddit feed here looks awesome ❤️
  8. 021

    AI Bots

    Are there any errors in the control panel? Please check if the quota on your account has expired
  9. 021

    Real-Time Chat - 2.0.5

    Changes Better support for dark styles
  10. 021

    Goodbye, XenForo!

    Добрый день. На данный момент ничего подобного не планируется. Фронт-енд Фларум написан на Mithril.JS, что отталкивает от разработки под эту платформу
  11. 021

    Chat message

  12. 021

    Chat message

    Hi, Suddenly GPT title correcter and Autoresponder is not working. Titles are blank and autoresponder repeats "Sorry I couldn't contact the ChatGPT think tank". Ant ideas what might be wrong? Cheers
    Hello! Are there any errors in the control panel? Check your account, you may have exceeded your quota
  13. 021

    Quill Editor - 1.0.1

    Changes Improved RTL (right-to-left text direction) support Updated dependencies
  14. 021

    Real-Time Chat - 2.0.4

    Changes Added RTL (right-to-left text direction) support
  15. 021

    XenForo Messenger - 1.0.8

    Fixed LogicException: Job BS\XFMessenger:ConversationRecipient\TouchLastRead: Attempted to set 'last_read_date' while a save was pending without forceSet
  16. 021

    Chat message

    admin here ?
    Yes, i'm here
  17. 021

    Chat message

    Israel... This is terrible, my condolences. I wish the terrorists a speedy and painful death
  18. 021

    Chat message

    10%, if we take the number of inhabitants before the start of the war, today there were 100 people living there. They killed half the population
  19. 021

    Chat message

    Today, in the area where I lived before the full-scale war began, russia killed 51 people. They gathered at the wake. russians killed 10% of the village population with one rocket.