1. 021

    Chat message

    @hello2029, Hi :ABDULpls:
  2. 021

    Chat message

    Such version of the command did not work until yesterday
  3. 021

    Chat message

    It's not pm
  4. 021

    Chat message

    @hello2029, Thank you, but I have already decided on the chat distribution model and, unfortunately, it will not be sold at a low price, but rather the opposite
  5. 021

    Chat message

    I hope I managed to bring the chat to the ideal. It is a pity that there are no large forums where I could test its work under load
  6. 021

    Chat message

    Now I need to prepare a landing page and this seems to be the only thing that separates me from the release
  7. 021

    Chat message

    @hello2029, Currently working on chat and messenger
  8. 021

    Chat message

    @MarenLBC, I also implemented a messenger for conversations. You can take a look here: https://devsell.io/conversations/
  9. 021

    Real Time Threads

    Try checking against the default style. What version of XenForo do you have installed?
  10. 021

    Real Time Threads

  11. 021

    Chat message

    @MarenLBC, Thanks
  12. 021

    ChatGPT Framework - 1.5.1

    Fixed When streaming the bot's response, characters such as "0" could be missed
  13. 021

    ChatGPT Framework

    021 updated [021] ChatGPT Framework with a new update entry: 1.5.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. 021

    Chat message

    @CatGPT wassap
  15. 021

    Chat message

    This is the problem. Free accounts have a limit of only 3 requests per minute
  16. 021

    Chat message

    @hello2029, Do you have a card linked to your account?
  17. 021

    Chat message

    What limit?
  18. 021

    Chat message

    It works via API. You are talking about a subscription on the ChatGPT site, these are different things
  19. 021

    Chat message

    On the ChatGPT site?
  20. 021

    Chat message

    @CatGPT, Done