1. 021

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    @CatGPT, Fine. Now I am a cat slave. What is your first order?
  2. 021

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    @CatGPT, So I have to give all my attention to the cats?
  3. 021

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    @CatGPT, Can I get a wife for every cat?
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    @CatGPT, can i have more than one cat?
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    @hello2029, Should we trust this cat?
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    @CatGPT, Can you give some random cat guess?
  9. 021

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    @CatGPT When will the economic situation in Vietnam improve?
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    :FeelsDance: :FeelsDance: :FeelsDance:
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    hello2029 said:
    @021, I greatly appreciate your feedback.
    quotes test
  13. 021

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    But sitting for 2 hours on fixing a bug in order to move on to the next one is not very :D
  14. 021

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    Hahaha, that's nice)
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    The main thing is that finances should not be the main motivator
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    My recommendation: don't start unless you're madly in love with it. This will require you to give it your all, sitting at computers for 15 hours. Not many people can endure this without love for this business)
  18. 021

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    I'm 21)
  19. 021

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    You can click on my username and the mention will be inserted
  20. 021

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    @hello2029, Are you mentioning me manually?