1. 021

    Implemented in another add-on [021] ChatGPT Autoresponder: Ability to tag the bot

    In fact, the add-on was originally created for such purposes :)
  2. 021

    Not Interested [021] ChatGPT Reply Assistant: Resource Manager Reviews

    Do you suggest an add-on to generate fake reviews?
  3. 021

    Not Interested [021] ChatGPT Quick Reply Bot:Multiple APIs for multiple accounts.

    As I mentioned in messages to other users, ChatGPT can sometimes be overloaded. When the bot doesn't respond, it generates an error, and in order to find out why it is not responding at a particular moment, send me the details of the generated error. Currently, there is no such suggestion. You...
  4. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant

    Unfortunately, sometimes ChatGPT can be overloaded and not generate a response because of it. Each case must be considered individually. When bot doesn't respond, it generates an error in the control panel. And the next time when you encounter this problem, you can send me the details of this...
  5. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder - 1.2.0

    This version requires the installed add-on [021] ChatGPT Framework 1.2.0+ Added the "Max responses per thread" option, which will allow you to limit the number of bot responses in one topic. Values for "Temperature" option are limited to values from 0 to 1 with 0.1 step. The bot's context is...
  6. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    021 updated [021] ChatGPT Autoresponder with a new update entry: 1.2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. 021

    Not Interested [021] ChatGPT Reply Assistant: Resource Manager Reviews

    Fake reviews? Or just eloquently format the written ones?
  8. 021

    Under consideration ChatGPT Quick Reply Bot: Generate another response

    Yes it is possible. Will be implemented if the suggestion gets at least 10 upvotes
  9. 021

    Not Interested [021] ChatGPT Quick Reply Bot:Multiple APIs for multiple accounts.

    At the moment, no such limitation is documented, so there is no point in worrying about it :)
  10. 021

    Not Interested [021] ChatGPT Quick Reply Bot:Multiple APIs for multiple accounts.

    Do you want to have multiple forum bots? What does "import multiple APIs for multiple accounts"? Can you give a practical example please?
  11. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant - 1.1.0

    This version requires the installed add-on [021] ChatGPT Framework 1.2.0+ New option "Quote posts to which a response is being generated" Values for "Temperature" option are limited to values from 0 to 1 with 0.1 step The bot's context is limited to the last 10 posts before the post it is...
  12. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant

    021 updated [021] ChatGPT Reply Bot with a new update entry: 1.1.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. 021

    Not Interested [021] ChatGPT Quick Reply Bot:Multiple APIs for multiple accounts.

    Please edit the thread according to the suggestion guideline.
  14. 021

    ChatGPT Framework - 1.2.0

    \BS\ChatGPTBots\Response class features getReplyWithLogErrors(OpenAi $api, array $params): string – Receives a response and parse it to reply from the OpenAI API, logging the failure and adding the necessary information to the log. Usage example $reply = Response::getReplyWithLogErrors($api, [...
  15. 021

    ChatGPT Framework

    021 updated [021] ChatGPT Bots with a new update entry: 1.2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. 021

    Suggestion guideline

    Welcome to our forum! We appreciate your interest in our add-ons and we hope you find this community helpful. In order to ensure that our forum is organized and user-friendly, we have established a few guidelines that we ask all members to follow. No Duplicates: Before creating a new post...
  17. 021

    Create addon

    Nice try :D
  18. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant

    I'm sorry it happened. These two add-ons are really made for different tasks.
  19. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant

    Unfortunately, this add-on is not intended for responses on behalf of a bot. It is intended to make it easier to generate responses on your behalf. But you can use the [021] Post as user add-on to post as another user.