1. 021

    Validate email in PHP

    Niice, you're so cool
  2. 021

    Validate email in PHP

    Refactor it please
  3. 021

    Validate email in PHP

    How to make so that only gmail and proton are considered valid?
  4. 021

    Validate email in PHP

    How I can validate email in PHP?
  5. 021

    Star Trek

    What's up?
  6. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Which cron? Send me trace log, please
  7. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    As I mentioned - this error occurs only when installing / updating the add-on and is not something critical. Just remove the errors that have arisen and they will not occur again.
  8. 021

    Post As User - 1.0.1

    Added missed JS files
  9. 021

    Post As User

    021 updated [021] Post as user with a new update entry: 1.0.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    Hello. This is normal during installation/upgrade, just remove these errors. This is because XenForo imports modifications before class extensions.
  11. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant

    Of course, with pleasure) Accepted ✅
  12. 021

    Post As User 1.0.1

    This add-on enables users to post messages in threads using another user's account. This can be useful for managing multiple accounts or assisting users who may have difficulty posting on their own. Can be used in conjunction with add-ons such as [BS] Scheduled posting. Pairs well with [021]...
  13. 021

    Post As User

    021 submitted a new resource: [021] Post as user - Allows you to post answers on behalf of other users. Read more about this resource...
  14. 021

    Why AI is bad?

    Why AI is bad?
  15. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant 1.2.0

    Introducing our innovative add-on that harnesses the power of ChatGPT to generate instant and intelligent replies to posts. Keep your conversations flowing seamlessly with contextually relevant and fitting responses tailored to each discussion. Our cutting-edge bot takes into account the forum...
  16. 021

    ChatGPT Reply Assistant

    021 submitted a new resource: [021] ChatGPT Reply Bot - Generates reply to post from ChatGPT and paste it into the editor. Read more about this resource...
  17. 021

    Multi-Account Detector

    My apologies. Problem fixed
  18. 021

    What is the advantage of Chat GPT?

    What is the advantage of Chat GPT?
  19. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder 1.5.0

    If you need to create one or more bots with support for prompts, mentions, private messages, live chat and other kill features, check out this add-on: AI Bots 🌠 Designed for ✅ Quick responses from ChatGPT to threads in specific nodes ✅ Clarify answer details with quotes Not designed for ❌...
  20. 021

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    021 submitted a new resource: [021] ChatGPT Quick Reply Bot - A bot that answers on first post when creating thread. Read more about this resource...